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Wednesday, June 23

Class Doodles

Don't worry, I am paying attention in class: this was before class started ^^

Monday, June 14

Friend #4

It's a bit late, but man is it worth it! I took a lot more time choosing the colors that I used. So, I present Friend #4 in my Friend Series!

Monday, June 7


A day late, but who cares? I finished my drawing! As I stated previously, this is not a part of the Friend Series, it's just a stand alone picture. The drawing is of my fish Deyna, who passed away in May this year. I had him since 2008, and he was my very first pet that I owned from beginning to end. So, here is my way of remembering him :)

Wednesday, June 2

I Return!

After Essays, Finals, and a little bit of stress, I have emerged from the cave and soaked in the sun! I have started on a new drawing and I will be posting it no later than the end of this week.

It's not a part of the friend series, but I feel this picture needs to be drawn.

Until I post again,
The Unreservedly BriBunny